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Youth empowerment and employment creation through vocational training

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

Youth empowerment and employment creation through vocational training This is one of the programs we started this year, we will cover over 450 youth in three countries including Spain , technical vocational education and training (TVET) is one of WeAre1 main priorities as a tool in tackling youth unemployment, this training empowers them to become gainfully employed in high demand trades.

Entering the labor market poses major challenges for young people in many countries. While young people generally tend to be in a more vulnerable position than prime-age workers, the recent economic crisis has shown that youth integration into the labor market is becoming increasingly problematic in some countries, whereas it seems to remain relatively smooth in others. Promoting a successful transition not only prevents long-term negative consequences of early phases of youth unemployment and idleness, but also enhances individual professional careers, earnings increases, economic productivity and social cohesion. In explaining differences in youths’ transition into employment, it is necessary to first take into account demographic developments and In line with the most of the literature on this issue we consider “young” people as those aged 25 years and under. Introduction economic growth, and second, the interplay between these dynamics and long-standing institutional patterns, particularly regulatory provisions influencing the supply of flexible or permanent jobs as well as education and training policies. Both general education at schools as well as different forms of vocational training, either at schools, on the job or combining both elements in a “dual apprenticeship” are necessary preconditions for the employability and productivity of young people. Vocational training is a crucial element given that it can link young people’s competences with employers’ needs. Bringing vocational training closer to the needs of dynamically changing and evolving labor markets and economies can help young people to move into more productive and sustainable jobs. Adopting the perspective of young people, a “good job” is one that initiates a long-term investment in and attachment to the labor market; therefore, a job combined with formal training is by definition a good job. Accordingly, this study is concerned with the creation of good jobs for the young. The first part of this study discusses the main factors influencing youth unemployment and the transition into employment, bringing together evidence on demographic issues, economic growth and their interaction with institutions, in particular general education and vocational training, active labor market policy programs as well as the regulation of labor markets. Stressing the difference between general education and vocational education and training, we differentiate between four types of education and outline differences in the skills they convey, their places of learning and their transferability across occupations and firms. In the subsequent section, the study provides an overview of young people’s situations in major world regions, with a particular emphasis on the role of training systems and complementary active labor market policies. The study adopts a broad understanding of regional clusters reflecting similar challenges with respect to youth unemployment on the one hand and institutional factors influencing the situation of young people on the other.

While good education and training can contribute to economic productivity and social cohesion, vocational education and on-the-job training with young workers and companies also need to involve governments, social partners or other societal actors in order to be stable and effective.

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